Welcome to the Lake Weir High School Assessments page. Here we will announce upcoming State and District Assessments that impact the students of Lake Weir High.

We will post the tentative assessment schedules as they are made available throughout the school year. However, please note, for more specific dates/times, parents and students will receive detailed emails, notifications from teachers, and Skylerts. Also, the testing rosters will be posted in the Cafeteria and Building 3 on the LWHS campus.

We look forward to a great school year. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. Contact info:

Sandra Renkel, Testing Coordinator

(352) 671-4820 Ext. 58942

[email protected]

Heather Busbee, Assistant Principal of Instruction

(352) 671-4820 Ext. 58852

[email protected]